Auch wenn ich natürlich bereits einen Oberkörper wie Gregory Scott hier habe, kann man ja fitnesstechnisch durchaus noch dazulernen. So habe ich dank diesem Video um die 20 neue Arten entdeckt, Liegestütze zu machen. Nicht für mich, aber es ist gut zu wissen, dass man aus der langweiligen 08/15-Übung noch so etwas wie Kreativität und Herausforderung pressen kann. Ich arbeite derweil weiter daran, mehr als 25 Liegestütze zu schaffen. Am Stück!
„25 different pushup variations for you to challenge yourself and get to that next level ! […] With a pushup you can hit whatever muscle group you want so if you want to increase tricep strength, shoulder strength, or explosiveness, look below and find the corresponding exercise !“
Regular Pushups
Level : Beginner
Builds bast strength and a solid foundation
Level : Intermediate
Archer Pushups
Builds transitional and unilateral pushing strength
Level : Beginner
Diamond Pushups
Builds tricep strength
Level : Intermediate
Psuedo Planche Pushups
Builds shoulders, biceps, & straight arm strength (exercise to strenghthen planche)
Level : Advanced
Superman Pushups
Builds explosiveness, athleticism, power & cool points
Level : Beginner
Wide Pushups
Chest strengthening
Level : Intermediate
Tricep Extension Pushups
Builds transitional strength & triceps (prerequesite for tiger bend pushups)
Level : Beginner
Shoulder Tap Pushups
Beginner plyometric strength
Level : Advanced
Handstand Tigerbend Pushups
Balance, stability, & transitional strength ( chest, shoulders, major cool points, and triceps )
Level : Beginner
Brazilian Kickout Pushups
Builds stability, balance, Chest & Shoulders
Level : Intermediate
Floor Tigerbend Pushups
Builds transitional strength and explosiveness, (chest, shoulders, cool points, and triceps) ( regression from handstand tiger bend)
Level : Intermediate
Pike Pushups
Builds great shoulder strength! (good exercise to strengthen the shoulders for handbalancing and handstand pushups)
Level : Intermediate
Aztec Pushups
Explosiveness, athleticism, & power !
Level : Showoff
Cereal Pushups
Builds cool points, explosiveness, athleticism, and power
Level : Intermediate
Cross Up Pushups
Explosiveness, athleticism, and power
Level: Intermediate
Typewriter Pushups
Transitional strength, straight arm strength, unilateral pushing strength
Level : Beginner
Jamaican Pushups
Balance, stability, & shoulders
Level : Intermediate
Helicopter Pushups
Explosiveness, power, and athleticism
Level: Advanced
Planche Pushups
Builds shoulders like crazy, also balance and stability
Level : Intermediate
Aaron Guidry Pushups
Level : Advanced
2 finger pushups
Builds wrist and forearm strength and stability
Level : Advanced
Triple Clap
Builds explosiveness, athleticism, and power
Level : Advanced
360 Pushups
Builds explosiveness, athleticism, and power
Level : Advanced
Handstand Clap Pushup
Builds balance, stability, shoulders, power,
Level : Showoff
Shhh Pushups
Builds explosivness and power. Cool points
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