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Praktisch, modern, effizient und gerne auch hübsch anzuschauen. Das sind übergreifende Kriterien, mit denen Einsendungen bei „A’ Design Award & Competition“ gute Chancen auf eine Auszeichnung haben. Gerade ist die 2016/2017er Runde vorbei und die besten Designs wurden bekanntgegeben. Dabei werden die Gewinner nicht etwa mit Preisgeld überhäuft, sondern erhalten hohe Aufmerksamkeit in der Branche (indem zum Beispiel themennahe Blogger brichten…) und so Zugang zu neuen Möglichkeiten der Kreativität. Hier einige ausgewählte Arbeiten, die prämiert wurden. Und vielleicht habt ihr das ein oder andere Motiv/Projekt bereits hier im Blog gesehen…

„In a world where there are millions of products and designs launch each year, the award was born out of the desire to underline the best designs and well designed products.“

„Little Pocket“ (Frankreich, Dong Jiang)

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„People always like to squeeze the ketchup on paper tray, and eat with french fries directly. However, there is organic pollutants, heavy metal oxide on the printing paper tray. It will cause cancer easily, if you eat like the way for a long time! The „little pocket „on the front can guide user to squeeze ketchup in it, rather than on paper plate.“

„Timbiriche Work Table“ (Mexiko, Cecilia Alcocer & Diego Lizama)

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„The challenge begins with trying to reinterpret, from an architectural point of view, the conception and function of a furniture’s piece. Since it wasn’t enough that this was only known for its aesthetic quality; it was necessary to create a comprehensive design and to recognize the user as a being who looks forward to constantly reinvent the space that inhabits, which doesn’t respond to a static world, and at the same time, responding to the plastic needs of a table.“

„Marais Piano cake packaging“ (Japan, Kazuaki Kawahara)

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„Usually, on the inside of gift packaging, various items are lined up in a plain, orderly fashion. What I have tried to do is add some sort of significance to something that is just arranged in a line. Also, I wanted to package them carefully, one by one, so that they could be used as gifts imbued with a feeling of care. The piano motif satisfies the conditions for such occasions. I also discovered that, if you use all six sides of the box well, you can represent an entire keyboard with just one kind of box.“

„Pasta Nikita“ (Russland, Nikita Konkin)

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„When I was making this packaging I was in love and perhaps this influenced me, though it could be just a coincidence.“

„Skinn“ (Taiwan, Ning Li)

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„Packaging is made to enrich the user’s experience and communicate the personality of products. Different senses play a vital role in ‘reading’ packages. Although we use sight as the primary sense in this, packaging is also held in the hands providing for opportunities for tactile communication. Form and materiality could be engaged more substantially to provide a more affective experience that communicates to the consumer.“

„Hive“ (Chaiyasit Tangprakit)

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„The main purpose of the design is to have a strong packaging that can bear external force to protect the eggs while shipping. Therefore the idea of using the structure of beehive come to mind. The shape of hexagon is a suitable for bearing the force. To save cost and to be eco friendly, the idea of not using glue is introduced. The material is made of kraft paper which is easy recycle. The divider is designed with insertion technique.“

„Zigpack“ (Spanien, Xavier Bernis Diaz)

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„The inspiration comes from looking at a piece of cardboard next to a bottle of wine. I remembered how uncomfortable it was to carry glass bottles in a plastic bag, insecure and noisy.“

„B&W“ Schokoladen-Verpackung (China, Lu Zhao, Jian Zhang & Chaoyi Wang)

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„This boutique chocolate box opened after the fold, that is, chess board, inside each chocolate monomer packaging along the polyline open, and then fold can become a chess pieces, will be delicious and entertainment together, Is the innovative design of this packaging design.“

„Cheer popcorn“ (Taiwan, Natsuyo Ozawa)

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„One day, I was in the movie theater with my friend, we decided to share a bag of popcorn. I realized how hard to know how much popcorn left inside, in a dark movie theater. That kind of situation made me feel a little awkward. This situation made me come up with this very convenient idea of designing „Cheer Popcorn“.“

„Punjab Kesari Headquarters Office“ (Indien, Amit Gupta: Britta Knobel Gupta)

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„The inspiration was to translate a traditional Indian facade pattern by using digital simulations into an iterative processes to create a responsive built form. This traditional „Jali“ screen creates culturally a sense of belonging. Sustainability is at the epicenter of the project embedded in form of, optimized natural lighting, cross ventilation and reduction of heat gain. An urban lobby is created whereby landscape flows inside the building and creating a seamless movement path.“

„Xinhua Bookstore“ (China, Aedas)

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„Aedas draws design inspiration from an ancient Chinese prose ‘Knowledge brings wealth’, to integrate bookstore with cultural and natural elements of Chongqing to create an interactive ‘Cultural Innovation Oriented Development’. The design also draws inspirations from Chongqing local context. The architecture unfolds stepping terraces not only reveals the well known geographic beauty of Chongqing named ‚Mountain City‘, but also interacts with the surroundings and rejuvenates the city landscape.“

„Leefy See Dragon“ (Australien, Marc Pascal)

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„Mould making and casting are the techniques used in making this light. A fusion of traditional and digital pattern making techniques were used. The electric components of the light are concealed within the form. Specific techniques and materials used were refined through experimentation. Each material required specific techniques such as rotational moulding. This project elevated my patternamaking, mould making and casting techniques, enabling new future design possiblities.“

Viele, viel, VIELE weitere Gewinner gibt es hier zu sehen.

via: demilked

Beitrag von: Maik Donnerstag, 27. April 2017, 15:37 Uhr

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Ich bin Maik Zehrfeld und habe diesen Blog 2006 aus Langeweile heraus gegen die Langeweile gegründet. Mittlerweile stellt LangweileDich.net eine Bastion der guten Laune dar, die nicht nur Langeweile vertreiben sondern auch nachhaltig inspirieren will. Gute Unterhaltung!

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