Niall Stenson hat Ende letzten Jahres zur Feier seiner 100.000 Abonnenten-Marke auf YouTube dieses Video erstellt, in dem er die Titelmelodien von 100 großen Filmen auf der E-Gitarre nachgespielt hat. Das ist schon ein sehr interessanter Streifzug durch die Filmgeschichte mit massig guten Themes.
„This was by far the most difficult video I’ve ever done, it was just a logistical nightmare, I had to do everything 100 times and from arranging and recording, mixing and mastering, recording the video, to downloading movie clips, it just took so long to do. I’d be lying if I said I was 100% happy with this, with the amount of songs and different styles I knew there was going to be a few that weren’t perfect, and some obviously work much better in my style. It was a tough balancing act between the lighter and heavier songs, I might have wanted to mix the heavier songs differently but then that would also affect the lighter ones so it was difficult to balance all of the different songs.“
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