10 Möglichkeiten, eine Glühbirne aufzupimpen pump-your-bulb

Ich war beim Anschauen dieses Videos zunächst etwas irritiert, heißt der Titel doch „10 Ways to Change a Lightbulb“. Es geht aber gar nicht um das Auswechseln von Birnen, sondern um das upcyclen. Also wie kann man mit möglichst einfachen Schritten und Haushaltsdingen aus den frei hängenden Lichtquellen etwas Besonderes werden lassen? Gerade für uns ganz spannend, die nun seit fünf Monaten in einer Berliner Altbauwohnung wohnen, in der bis auf ein Schirm sämtliche Birnen frei hängen. Das ist aber halt auch verdammt hoch… Allgemein noch mein Hinweis: Darauf achten, dass die benutzten Stoffe nicht brennbar und zu nah an einer heiß werdenden (alten) Glühbirne sind (Stichwort: Papier).

„You just moved into a new flat and each room has only a single hanging lightbulb. Hard, flat, boring light everywhere. Here are 10 DIY ideas to decorate that bulb and completely transform your space.“

Hier noch die „Anleitungen“ vom Lighting Channel in Schriftform:

1. With Paper: Just wrap a sheet of paper around the bulb for our simplest solution. Then get creative with your choice of paper.

2. With Crochet: For the nimble fingered, knitting or crocheting creates a homey look, just make sure to use LEDs!

3. With a Bottle: Remove the bottom of a wine bottle for a fun lampshade, play around with different bottles, glass colors and position of the bulb to find the right look.

4. With a Bowl: Usually we point the light downwards, but for a more evenly diffused light you can bounce it off the ceiling instead! Just make sure your bowl is super reflective.

5. With Papermáche: We stumbled on this one by accident while trying to create a homemade china ball. Seems like when you completely wrap a balloon in papermáche the drying process slowly pushes the air out causing it to contract while drying. Looks pretty cool.

6. With a Ducting Tube: For those of you with a lot of space this solution is more of a sculpture than a light fixture. Play around with different knots and number of bulbs, it all looks great.

7. With a Stencil Bulb: Want to keep your fixture small but have a big effect on the space? We went for a very simple camouflage effect, but the more intricate the design the more impressive the shadows will be.

8. With a Utensil Can: Those looking for a quick fix can just slap a classic Ikea Utensil Can over the bulb and turn their room into a cathedral. Alternatively a frosted bulb will diffuse the intense shadows, and keep the fixture looking nice.

9. With a Pentagon Tower: Here is a more traditional lampshade for crafty folk. We decided on a dark look to highlight the lighting coming through the cracks, but more translucent material would also make for an interesting object.

10. With a Soft-box: Borrowing from our film background, the soft-box is a standard lighting fixture for portraits or product photography, who knew you could also build one out of a flowerpot?! Put this one over your dining room table and every meal looks like it’s out of a magazine.

Und hier noch zwei komplexere Lampenschirm-Varianten zum Selberbasteln:

via: thekidshouldseethis

Beitrag von: Maik Mittwoch, 2. August 2017, 08:22 Uhr


3 Kommentare

  1. Pingback: Kurz und sch(m)erzlos 03.08.17 #linkdump – Monstrop◘lis

  2. Pingback: Videotutorial: 10 selbstgebaute Lampen – WEBTAPETE

  3. Pingback: 10 ausgefallene Lampenschirme zum Selbermachen - KlonBlog

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