Weil gerade alle so am Rad drehen (vollkommen zurecht!), gibt es hier noch einmal zwei Star Wars-bezogene Clips für euch.
Zum einen 50 (tendenziell) unbekannte Fakten zu Star Wars: A New Hope von Mr Sunday Movies. Klingt nach viel, sind aber zum Glück „nur“ acht Minuten. Ein paar Minuten kürzer ist das ScreenRant-Video zu zehn vermeintlichen Fehlern in den bisherigen Star Wars-Filmen. Ja, sowas gab es schon öfters, aber es finden sich eben immer wieder neue…
„50 Unknown Star Wars Facts! Like it says in the title! With Easter Eggs, behind the scenes info and probably other things.“
„George Lucas could never have known that his space opera would turn into one of the most well-known and profitable movie franchises in history. If he had, the director might have spent a bit more time filming the original series to make sure some of the more entertaining mistakes were left on the cutting room floor. Luckily, that wasn’t the case, which means fans can spot each and every obvious or hard-to-miss error. Even after all these years, Luke Skywalker’s big screen adventure still has a few surprises.“
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